Permanently Installed Sound Systems
Coline CL-1 Over the past year (2005) CZ SOUND LLC has solved some very difficult acoustic and architectural challenges with our CoLine CL-1. Its small dimensions allow it to be installed inconspicuously. Depending on which version tremendous vertical pattern control can be obtained, making it a very effective loudspeaker to use in acoustically difficult, if not impossible situations. The very close spacing of our high performance 2" drivers makes the CL1 behave almost as a continuous line source much like a ribbon driver, but without some of the negative performance characteristics of a ribbon driver. The CL1 can reproduce more low frequency information and has higher power handling capacity than a ribbon driver. In fact, we have installed more than 60 CL1's in speech only applications such as churches, halls, and courtrooms. If low frequency output below 125Hz is required then a subwoofer can be added. The CL-1 is only 3-5/8" wide and 3-5/8" deep. The
CL1-12 is a 12 driver Line array with an overall length of approximately
30 inches. The CL-1 Line Array is a derivative of the CoLine ™ CL-2. The CL-1 is the Upper Frequency Reproducer Array of the 2-way CoLine ™ CL2. This Reproducer Array is capable of reproducing sound in the range of 125Hz to over 20Khz with rather high output. Output levels of over 100 db at 100' are possible. Coline CL-1 Uses We have so far found several outstanding uses of the CL-1.
Main Loudspeaker: The CL-1 can be used as the only loudspeaker for
speech and music reproduction in highly reverberant churches. The minimal
size of this loudspeaker help
Front Fill:
In addition to use as a main loudspeaker, usually mounted vertically, the
Side Fill
At Church of the Ascension, Oakland, Pittsburgh, PA, we used the CL1 to
fill the transepts. Since the ma
The CoLine CL1-36 filled these requirements while providing clear intelligible sound reinforcement for speech and music. The CoLine CL1-36 has remarkably even coverage front to back and side to side due to the fact that the CoLine CL1-36 is a true true line array.